Thursday, September 29, 2011

Website profile

Since becoming a librarian and starting this blog I’ve come across a wide range of fun and informative websites that teens use and love. There really is something for everyone, from book blogs, to zines, to abuse hotlines. However, sometimes it’s hard to wade through all the available websites to find what you’re looking for, so I created a section of my blog dedicated to YA websites. This feature highlights new websites that I discover that will be listed on that part of my blog.

Love is

Summary: is a joint project between the National Dating Abuse Helpline and Break the Cycle to provide resources for teens, parents, friends and family, peer advocates, government officials, law enforcement officials and the general public. All communication is confidential and anonymous.

Cool Features:
Relationship Makeover Quiz
Live Chat
Helpline (USA)
Abuse Awareness articles and toolkid
Fundraising Ideas
MTV’s Thin Line Campaign


Angela's Anxious Life said...

OH this is nice!! Especially if you have teens reading this!!


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