Monday, October 3, 2011


While I was on my trip I became seriously addicted to the Pretty Little Liars series. Since the books are very similar in plot, writing style, etc., I’ve decided to do mini reviews so I’m not repeating myself as much. For a full review, check out my review here.

By Sara Shepard
274 Pages
Book 7

Summary: Four gorgeous girls are telling very ugly stories. First Emily, Aria, Hanna, and Spencer claimed they found a dead body in the woods behind Spencer's house, only to have it vanish without a trace. Then, when the same woods went up in flames, they swore they saw someone who's supposed to be dead rise from the ashes. And even after all that, the pretty little liars are still playing with fire. Call me heartless, but it's about time someone shut these liars up for good. After all, nobody likes a girl who cries wolf—least of all me. . .

Review:  This book was a wild ride with multiple theories, accusations and huge plot twists. I loved how each girl was convinced she knew the identity of A and Ali’s real killer. In doing so, Shepard left a lot of little clues for the readers to piece together. Where other books have been about the girls’ lives as well as Ali and the mystery, this one focused more closely on what actually happened to Ali and her family. Be prepared to be surprised!

Rating: 3/4


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