Tuesday, October 11, 2011


By Anna Carey
October 2011
336 pages

Summary:  Almost all of the adults have been wiped out by a deadly virus, leaving children and teens in orphanages. When Eve finds out that the bright future the teachers have promised her is a lie, that all the girls will be put in hospitals to produce babies, she risks all to escape to the wild beyond the school walls. There she meets Caleb, who goes against everything that her school had taught her. Together, with authorities and savages on their heels, they attempt to make it to safety and start a life together.

Review: Eve is an intriguing dystopian that feels like a mix between Epitaph Road by David Patneaude and Wither by Lauren DeStefano. The world building is well done, and would be easy for non-dystopian or non-fantasy readers to enjoy. Some areas could have been filled out more (the plague and the ending), but with a possible sequel, the story definitely has room to grow. The naivety and gentleness of Eve combined with her strength and willingness to survive at all cost made her an engaging and dynamic character. Her spunk was especially endearing in her interactions with Caleb. One of the better dystopians to come out in the last few months.

Also by Anna Carey: The Sloan Sisters series

If you liked Eve you might also enjoy: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Colins, Epitaph Road by David Patneaude and Wither by Lauren DeStefano

Writing: 3.5/4
Characters: 3.5/4
Plot: 3/4
Originality: 2.5/4
Popularity: 3/4
Cover: 4/4
Grade Level: S


Espana said...

The world has almost been decimated by a plague. Now small groups live together under the Kings rule. These groups have to be close or those that wander the wastelands of American will kill them for their goods. Eve has been on one of the all girl Schools for 12 years. It is the eve of her graduation when she learns that the girls are actually breeding sows that are used to repopulate the Kings world.

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